Meet the Team Spirit!

On 20 April we’ll be introducing him to our current and future partners. His arrival has been eagerly awaited and happily welcomed!

As a result, we’ve updated our website and added further to our existing team. For example, Mary Help is now working her magic on our user support team, while Toomas Karm has joined our training team. You’ll find out more about them on our website.

Our thanks go out to everyone who has helped us get Team Spirit on board – your efforts are much appreciated!

Below you will find out more about Team Spirit. Happy reading!

Team Spirit is a simple questionnaire asking the members of your team three questions:

  • Are we talented? – Do we have enough skill, experience and wisdom to achieve our goals and to perform our job?
  • Are we friendly? – Are the relationships in our team good or do we scowl at one another?
  • Are we eager to act?

Questions are answered on a preset scale: not at all, not really, I agree and I completely agree. In addition to the three simple questions, every team member can in the form of a comment insert their vision of what needs to be done so that the team as a whole would function better.

The Team Spirit Questionnaire can be initiated on a starting page of and this is completely free!

Within the system, Team Spirit can be initiated under any organisation, department and project. The initiator of completing the questionnaire can be any member of the team or an executive working in the organisation. The identity of the evaluation’s initiator will be kept confidential.

The evaluation initiated will end, when all members of the team have answered the questions or when the time set is over.

An evaluation of Team Spirit is an enjoyable process with a nice visual output that reflects the status of the team.

The evaluation of Team Spirit is a simple but powerful tool for managers. Its method helps detect problems at an early stage and gives some insight into what should be done in order to solve them. The evaluations of Team Spirit carried out at different times can be compared to one another.

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